Mom, I Got This!
Stanford Women in Design hosts Isabel Arboleda and Emily Redmond sit down with leading creative women to celebrate curiosity and ask the questions we all have floating around in our heads. Iz and Em guide us through how their guests have explored the role of design across different fields and transport us to the moments when these inspiring women have said "Mom, I got this!" even when they weren't quite sure. Join us to find out: when the steps are not explicitly defined, how do you find your passion and path?
Mom, I Got This!
Touchdown! What Happens when a Designer Finds VC with Morgan Mahlock
Stanford Womxn in Design
Season 1
Episode 2
We chat with Morgan Mahlock who is an investor at IQT, the non-profit strategic investor that supports the U.S. intelligence and national security community. We ask her why she, as a designer, loves VC? Hint-- it has to do with her eye-opening dream internship at the NFL! Morgan is also passionate about side hustles, as evident through her stories of teaching piano and modelling to help pay her way through college, going into what those jobs taught her about herself and the “real world”. Graduating from Stanford University with a BS in Product Design and MS in Management Science and Engineering, Morgan is definitely familiar with “grind culture” and provides refreshing, insightful advice on work/life balance as a young professional woman.