Mom, I Got This!
Stanford Women in Design hosts Isabel Arboleda and Emily Redmond sit down with leading creative women to celebrate curiosity and ask the questions we all have floating around in our heads. Iz and Em guide us through how their guests have explored the role of design across different fields and transport us to the moments when these inspiring women have said "Mom, I got this!" even when they weren't quite sure. Join us to find out: when the steps are not explicitly defined, how do you find your passion and path?
10 episodes
The Show Must Go On With Julia Hartz
This is not the story of someone who was mystically born to be a successful founder. Julia Hartz, CEO and Co-Founder of Eventbrite, has never been a work-backwards kind of woman. We discuss how she has taken life head-on from her early days ...
Season 2
Episode 5
Roz Cyrus, a Modern Renaissance Woman
Roz Cyrus is a renaissance woman. She is a writer, a computer science lecturer at Stanford, and a designer. From starting a job at the same time she started her masters degree to having a one-year-old baby a couple months before beginning he...
Season 2
Episode 4
Breaking It Down with Nariman Gathers
Procedures. Rules. Systems. Nariman Gathers walks us through what it was like to be a budding systems designer as a neuro-atypical person. They delve into stories from collecting post-it-notes and gel pens for crafting as a kid to feeling crush...
Season 2
Episode 3
What, Like It's Hard? with Julia Haber
Two-time CEO and founder, Julia Haber was, in her own words, “very much a sassy little kid”. Em and Iz dive into Julia’s impressive career (that’s still only on its opening pages) and uncover how a creative leader comes to be, from the colors o...
Season 2
Episode 2
Sending it with Kayla Clarot
Em and Iz talk to Kayla Clarot, the Concept Design Leader at Specialized. Specialized designs bikes for all sorts of terrain, but with every new design, they tell a story. Kayla’s episode is full of passion and energy for her job and the storie...
Season 2
Episode 1
EntreprenHERial Spirit with Jensen Neff and Ellie Chen
It’s a home run with Jensen Neff and Ellie Chen in our Season 1 finale episode! A few months out of Stanford University's Product Design bachelor's program, these ladies are off to LA with their hearts on their sleeves and their hands on their ...
Season 1
Episode 4
Life in the Big Apple… Inc. with Iris Yan
We sit down with Iris Yan, currently a product manager at Brilliant Technologies, a smart home IoT startup. After earning a bachelor's in Product Design from Stanford University, she started her own consumer packing goods startup (from her dorm...
Season 1
Episode 3
Touchdown! What Happens when a Designer Finds VC with Morgan Mahlock
We chat with Morgan Mahlock who is an investor at IQT, the non-profit strategic investor that supports the U.S. intelligence and national security community. We ask her why she, as a designer, loves VC? Hint-- it has to do with her eye-opening ...
Season 1
Episode 2
A Designer, an Educator, and an Author Walk Into A Bar with Lisa Kay Solomon
What is design? How do you design a life you love? Designer, educator, accomplished author and all-around amazing woman Lisa Kay Solomon tells us how she made the choices that shaped her life. We learn about taking leaps of faith from...
Season 1
Episode 1
Introducing "Mom, I Got This!" with Stanford Womxn in Design
Launching this Wednesday, September 16th with Stanford sophomore co-hosts Emily Redmond and Isabel Arboleda. We're here to guide you through insightful convos with amazing ladies, asking questions like "What is design?" "What happens at the int...